The Preparatory & Professional School of San Bernardino County             Randy E. Patterson       


                       Natural Science 

         (This is a college project-CSUSB)

(click for Earth Science)

Science as a Human Endeavor - Intellectual honesty and an ethical tradition are hallmarks of the practice of science. The practice is rooted in accurate data reporting, peer review, and making findings public. This aspect of the nature of science can be implemented by designing instruction that encourages students to work collaboratively in groups to design investigations, formulate hypotheses, collect data, reach conclusions, and present their findings to their classmates.


The Eratosthenes’ determination of the size of the earth, Wegeners’ apparent "fit" of the continents, Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, and James Hutton’s simple yet powerful idea that the earth history must be explained by what we see happening now. Today, Hutton’s uniformity of process principle is used to interpret the structure of landing sites on Mars.

Competency Goal 6

The learner will acquire an understanding of the earth in the solar system and its position in the universe.



6.01 Analyze the formation of the solar system.


6.02 Analyze planetary motion and the physical laws that explain that motion:
bullet Rotation.
bullet Revolution.
bullet Apparent diurnal motions of the sun and stars.
bullet Tilt of the earth's axis.
bullet Parallelism of the earth's axis.


6.03 Evaluate astronomers' use of various instruments to extend their senses:
bullet Optical telescopes.
bullet Radio telescopes.
bullet Spectroscope.
bullet Cameras.


6.04 Assess the current scientific theories of the origin of the universe.


6.05 Examine the sources of stellar energies.


Assess the spectra generated by stars and our sun as indicators of motion:
bullet Doppler effect.
bullet Red and blue shifts.


6.07 Evaluate Hubble's Law and the concept of an ever-expanding universe


6.08 Evaluate the life cycle of stars in the Hertzsprung - Russell Diagram (H-R Diagram).

 Competency Goal 7

The learner will build an understanding of alternative choices facing human societies in their stewardship of the earth.



7.01 Analyze the relationship between the potential of technology to improve the quality of life and the possible causes of stress on the environment.


7.02 Analyze the interdependence of Earth's natural resources and systems, including land, air, and water, with the need to support human activity and reduce environmental impacts.


7.03 Assess how society weighs the choices of economic progress, population growth and environmental stewardship and selects a balanced responsible course of action.

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